Having a good product is just as important as having it in a good container: comfortable, useful, resistant and, why not? Attractive. At Bolsaplast we recommend our flagship product: the doypack.

The doypack offers you different finishes, among them the self-closing zip bags, the most useful option. The consumer will be able to close the container comfortably as many times as necessary. Thanks to its security, this type of bag offers the possibility of packing both roasted and ground coffee.

In addition, we have a wide range of materials to adapt to all your needs. They are mainly made with barrier laminates, to choose between transparent, aluminium, paper and metallic. Such materials will help to keep coffee fresh for longer.
All these details offered by the doypack: closure, material and valve, make them to respect all the coffee properties. Not only its flavour, but also all those qualities that we perceive as soon as we open the container, such as the characteristic aroma of coffee, the colour, or of course, its quality. What is more important than a packaging that respects and preserves the properties of the product to the maximum?

Finally, at Bolsaplast we also take design very seriously, since, as we well know, first impression is very important. Good packaging and good aesthetics can make the difference between buying a product or another, which is why we offer the possibility of customize doypacks with digital printing technology, even for small runs.

If you are interested in our products or simply you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We will advise you with no obligation.
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