Throughout these years, we have been observing how flexible packaging has gained ground over rigid packaging. In this article we will explain why flexible packaging is a much more feasible solution in the world we live in, as we know it.

What advantages does flexible packaging have over rigid packaging? Which is better if we refer to the environment?

Flexible packaging includes formats such as the doypack, sachet, dorsal sealing bag, among others. It is characterized by being light, easily transportable and reliable.

Rigid packaging includes formats such as boxes, bottles, cans, among others. These formats are characterized by being made of hard and rigid materials, limiting the number of products that can be transported and great care must be taken so that any blow does not break or crack them.

A transport truck will be filled faster if 50 rigid packagings fit in each box (for example, a bottle of detergent). On the other hand, the same truck will be able to transport more products if 75 units of flexible packaging fit in a box (for example, flexible doypacks that also contain detergent).
Therefore, using the same transport, we will be able to move more quantity of products. This fact makes flexible packaging more sustainable and reduces the total carbon footprint of packaging by up to 40% in the European Union.

In addition, transport costs are also saved, making it a more affordable packaging for companies.

Last but not least, flexible packaging means that customizing the size of the container is not a problem. Thus, it will be easier to adjust the portions of products in flexible packaging, avoiding the waste of food and other products.

If you are interested in knowing more, contact us without commitment.
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